Award of Honour
The Award of Honour shall be presented to a non-medical professional for excellence in one of the following areas related to dermatology:
- Personal contributions to the advancement of medical research, medical education, health care organization or health education of the public;
- Service to the people of Canada in raising the standards of health care delivery in Canada; and
- Service to the professions in the field of medical organization.
Nomination Eligibility Requirements
- The award will not be awarded posthumously. In the event of the demise of the nominee after being selected but before being presented with the award, it shall be presented posthumously.
- Nominees must NOT be members of the medical profession.
- Nominations may only be submitted by CDA members.
- Self-nomination is ineligible.
- Nominations will be evaluated by the Membership and Awards Committee taking into consideration the eligibility and focus of the award.
- The CDA shall be under no obligation to make the award annually.
- The award will be presented at the CDA Annual Conference.
- Nomination submissions must be received by the deadline date. Any submissions received beyond that date will not be considered.
- An award will be presented at the CDA Annual Conference. The recipient shall be offered the opportunity of attending the Annual Conference to accept the award.
The nomination submission must include:
- A current curriculum vitae
- Letter of nomination
- Two letters of support (maximum of two pages per letter)
Nominations will be accepted until March 1, 2024.
2016 Mr. Robert Lavoie